This will be a weekend (1.5 days) of Zazen Practice with Zen Teacher Guy Mokuho Mercier

Saturday 8:30am – 6:30pm

Click to see a closeup

The Aubert Court Community Centre, Avenell road, London N5 1BL

Located at the back of a council estate off Avenell Road, 5 minutes walk from the Arsenal Tube Station (Piccadilly line). Several local bus routes on Highbury Park (A1201).
VERY LIMITED PARKING at the nearby Sotheby Mews Centre (7 minute walk). Please first contact Lana first, if you wish to bring a car.

Sunday 8:00am – 2:00pm

Caledonian Road Zen Dojo, Basement, 486 Caledonian road, N7 9RP

Limited space available on Sunday – please register early, with full payment.

Located on Caledonian Road 5 minutes walk north of Caledonian Road Station (Piccadilly line), on street parking nearby and good bus connections.
We will have an oryoki breakfast, and lunch at a nearby pub afterwards for those who wish to join us.

Guy Mokuho Mercier

Guy Mokuho Mercier

About The Teacher:

Guy Mokuho Mercier began practising zazen with Master Taisen Deshimaru in 1973, becoming his disciple in March of 1976 after receiving ordination as a monk.

After Master Deshimaru’s death in 1982, he remained active in the Paris sangha. From 1986 to 1991, he was again the tenzo at La Gendronnière, and became the head of the temple from 1991 to 1997.  In September, 2008, he received Dharma transmission from Sojun Matsuno Roshi in Takefu, Japan.

Today, he is active in the AZI spiritual council is the head of the Zen Centre of Lanau near Saint Flour in the Cantal area of in France and leads the Tenborin Zen Association.  He leads sesshins in France, Spain, Switzerland and England.


Saturday £30 (includes lunch) / Sunday £20 (includes breakfast)
Discounts are possible if you have financial need, please contact Lana in advance


It’s very important that you register to attend – and that you let Lana know in advance if your plans change and you cannot attend for any reason (particularly Sunday, which will fill up quickly and will have a waiting list ).  Early registration is very helpful for organising food and equipment 🙂

Registrations should be accompanied by a deposit of £20 or full payment,  Registrations after Saturday, 10th of March must be accompanied by full payment 🙂

For more information, you can contact Lana by email here: or  text on 07946 441 884.
If you would like to register by post or in person for the Zen Weekend you can complete this form, and send a cheque to Lana Berrington, 18 St. Augustines Road, Top Flat, London, NW1 9RN

-OR-   YOU CAN REGISTER ONLINE by clicking HERE and going to the Zeninlondon website