On the 15th of January 2017 the Nottingham Zen Group became a reality when we sat zazen together for the first time ever in Arnold, Nottingham. I founded the zen group but I certainly didn’t do it alone. With the encouragement of Mokuho Guy Mercier, the guidance of Mokurei Jan Pearse, the support of the IZAUK Committee and the generosity the UK sangha we created this little group in the East Midlands together.

We meet up every Sunday at a private house where we transformed the spare room, with its pink walls, into a little dojo dedicated to the practice of zazen. There has been a lot of interest in our tradition and practice in Nottingham so hopefully we will be here for many years to come.

~ Claire Ruddick – responsible for the new group in Nottingham

For more information on the Nottingham Zen group, see :