A full day of online zazen, celebrating the anniversary of the foundation of the  Tenborin Association**, Lanau Zen Centre, France – the base for Senior Teacher Guy Mokuho Mercier.

We will re-broadcast this Lanau Zoom event on a dedicated MIXLR channel, with English translation of Guy Mokuho Mercier’s kusen

One of the scheduled afternoon zazen periods is to be a mondo, but given the difficulties of translating rapid question and answer exchanges over Zoom, we in the UK will substitute for this an extra period of  zazen

Those taking part in the day should know how to do zazen & kinhin without further guidance, since any such instructions will be provided only in French

Programme (UK times)

0730 – 0855 zazen / kinhin / zazen
0905 – 0945 coffee
1000 – 1110 zazen / kinhin / zazen
1130 – 1215 meal break
1215 – 1300 rest period
1315 – 1445 zazen / kinhin / zazen [instead of mondo]
1450 – 1510 tea
1520 – 1630 zazen / kinhin / zazen


There are three different ways in which you can express solidarity with Lanau/Tenborin:

  1. Join the Zoom in French Log-in links to let you join Lanau’s  Zoom transmissions (all in French) will be emailed to those who register directly for the event (see Registrations below)
  2. Sit along with the MIXLR re-broadcast channel (with some English translation) using the IZAUKSESSHIN link in the panel below,  or go direct to https://mixlr.com/izauksesshin
  3. If you aren’t keen on all this technology, simply sit at the same times, using the schedule as a guide

Those who don’t register for the event are invited to make a donation (see below). There is no fixed fee for either registrations or donations, but your generosity will be appreciated.

There is no choice of currencies for payments. Be aware that banks and credit card companies may add a fee for transactions in Euros.

There is no charge for accessing the MIXLR channel. We will again use the IZAUK sesshin channel, but for this event it will be publicly visible and no Access Code is required

Registration for the Lanau (French) Zoom broadcast


Those with adequate French who wish to join the Zoom link, can just use the Lanau registration * process

If you need a little help to understand what the various labels and options mean, please see notes and the ‘Paying Lanau’ PDF below which should help

Your confirmation email will also be in French

Donations to Lanau/Tenborin

Please use the link below and then make sure to (1) choose English in the language ‘box’ at the top of the page and (2) click on the Union Jack flag (top right hand corner of the picture on the form) to get the English version of the donations * page. On the credit/debit card payment page, there is also a black button to select EN, rather than FR. Unfortunately, all three buttons look rather different

A good part of the process has been translated into English. However, from time to time the page or individual ‘boxes’ or responses will drop back into its native French.

Guide to making a payment to Lanau

Paying Lanau

This PDF document briefly explains how to make donations and provides a more detailed translation and walk-through of  the process of joining Tenborin and paying the annual 20 Euro fee. Most of the guidance applies equally to making a single donation, though some screens are a little differently laid out

Donation amount = whole number of Euros, no dot, comma or zeroes.
Prenom = First name
NOM = Surname
jj/mm/aaaa = dd/mm/yyyy
UK in French is Royaume-Uni (drop down box) 
Zip Code
 = UK Postcode (no spaces)


Your confirmation email, detailing the amount paid, will be entirely in French


* HelloAsso

HelloAsso[ciation] is a not-for-profit organisation which collects registrations and donations on behalf of Lanua and invites users to make a contribution to their own running costs. This is entirely voluntary and any suggested amount can easily be adjusted or made zero if preferred

** Ten Bo Rin

The name of the Association means “Turning the Wheel of the Dharma“. It is also the title of one of the chapters of Great Master Dogen’s Shobogenzo