This will be a week-long sesshin at Crosby Hall, near Liverpool with Senior Zen Teacher Mokuho Guy Mercier.

crosby front picture

This will be a five and a half day sesshin and will include teishos, training and sewing.  There will be ordinations during this sesshin. To be ordained means to take refuge in the Three Treasures: Buddha, Dharma and Sangha.  People who want to make this commitment to the Buddha Way should contact their dojo head as soon as possible.

The IZAUK Annual general meeting will be held  during this  sesshin

Arrival:  Saturday 28th May  (preferably by 7:30pm)

Departure: Friday 3rd June  (departure is mid-afternoon after lunch and samu –  please plan on staying for samu)

About the Teacher:

Mokuho Guy MercierGuy Mokuho Mercier began practising zazen with Master Taisen Deshimaru in 1973, becoming his disciple in March of 1976 after receiving ordination as a monk.

After Master Deshimaru’s death in 1982, he remained active in the Paris sangha. From 1986 to 1991, he was again the tenzo at La Gendronnière, and became the head of the temple from 1991 to 1997.  In September, 2008, he received Dharma transmission from Sojun Matsuno Roshi in Takefu, Japan.

Today, he is active in the AZI spiritual council is the head of the Zen Centre of Lanau near Saint Flour in the Auvergne, in France and leads the Tenborin Zen Association.  He leads sesshins in France, Spain, Switzerland and England.


Friends of IZAUK:  Recommended: £210, low-waged: £160, unwaged £130

Non-members: Recommended: £220, low-waged: £170, unwaged £140

BURSARY FUND: Remember – if finances are a problem for you, members of IZAUK can apply for financial assistance to attend IZAUK sesshins

Fees for Part Attendance

We encourage everyone to attend the whole of the sesshin, but acknowledge that sometimes personal circumstances may not allow this

If you are considering part attendance due to financial circumstances and are an IZAUK member please apply to the Bursary fund by contacting Peter Moorhouse at and financial assistance can be given.

The fees for part attendance have been designed to focus peoples’ arrival and departure to between the end of the first three days of the preparation period and beginning of the last 3 days; the sesshin period. This is to minimize any disruption to the sesshin.

Please note that even though people may not be attending for the full week IZAUK still has to pay the full cost of the weeks’ accommodation for each person attending.

The fees for IZAUK members (non-IZAUK members add an extra £10) for part attendance are as follows (an advance full payment or £25 deposit will secure a £5 discount on all these prices) :


1 night

2 nights

3 nights 4 nights 5 nights 6 nights
Recommended 55 105 130 180 210 210
Low-waged 45 85 100 140 160 160
Un-waged 35 65 80 110 130 130


Crosby Hall Educational Trust(CHET) Centre, Back Lane, Little Crosby, Liverpool L23 4UA Click here to see a map of the location

How to Get there:

by rail: At Lime Street station, Liverpool it’s a short walk to Central Station, Take Southport Train, every 15 minutes to Hall Road station and then 2 ile taxi ride or easy half hour walk across fields to Chet Centre. (Delta taxis  0151 924 7373)


Loose, dark clothes for zazen, a zafu if you have one, a bowl for food and a cloth to wrap it in (eg: a tea towel), also outdoor clothing for walking.


Please register by returning the booking slip – or register online –  before 18th MAY with full payment or a £25 deposit (thus securing a £5 discount) so that equipment and meals can be planned.

Click here to download the booking slip/registration form

Sorry, it’s now too late to pay with pay pal or register online – if you would like to come, please  Contact Jeremy via the above details directly