Unfortunately this event has been cancelled owing to COVID-19

3.5 day Zen Retreat (Sesshin) at Burwell House led by Senior Teacher Taiun Jean-Pierre Faure

About the Teacher:

Taiun Jean-Pierre-Pierre Faure, born 1945, is the father of three children. He holds a PhD in physics and has been practising zazen since 1977. He was ordained a monk by Master Deshimaru in 1981. He created the Marrakech Dojo, then became head of the Toulon Dojo. From 1997 to 2002 he was the head of La Gendronniére Temple, and continues to be one of the leaders of the Association Zen International (AZI).

Today, he is Abbott of Kanshoji Temple in La Coquille, near Limoges, France (www.kanshoji.org). He is a disciple of Donin Minamizawa Roshi, vice-zenji of Eiheiji Temple, Japan, from whom he received Dharma transmission in 2003. Click for more information about Taiun Jean-Pierre Faure.


Wednesday 28th October – Sunday 1st November 2020


Burwell House,  Silver St, Burwell, Cambridge CB25 0EF

Burwell House is located 13 miles North East of Cambridge towards Newmarket.

Further information:

Further details will be published nearer to the time