IZAUK Spring Sesshin posterGuest teacher

Taiun Jean Pierre Faure from Kanshoji Zen Monastery will direct
zazen and give a teisho:Good and Evil and wholehearted acceptance

Other zazen and ceremony directed by IZAUK teachers


Friday 19th – Sunday 21st June 2020


In view of the COVID-19 pandemic and the restrictions on groups assembling, this year’s IZAUK Spring Sesshin will be broadcast online using several different Zoom and Mixlr channels.

To take part you will need:

  • a mobile phone, tablet or computer
  • a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed
  • a zafu, bench or chair
  • comfortable clothing
  • some experience of zazen
  • a completed registration form


Friday 19th June

8.00 pm
40 minutes of Zazen. Chanting Four Vows. Directed by Tendo Ged Welford

  • Broadcast through Oxford Dojo

Saturday 20th June

7.30 am
Two sessions of Zazen with Kinhin. Ceremony. Directed by Hosei Lana Berrington assisted by Sen Yu Edgar Koeb

  • Broadcast through London, Caledonian Road Dojo

3.30 pm
40 minutes of Zazen followed by Teisho on “Good and Evil and Wholehearted Acceptance”, directed and presented by Taiun Jean Pierre Faure from Kanshoji Zen Monastery

  • Broadcast through London, Brockley Dojo

8.00 pm
40 minutes zazen. Chanting of Four Vows. Directed by Ji Rei Kate Thompson

  • Broadcast through Bradford Dojo

Sunday 21st June

7.30 am
40 minutes Zazen. Chanting of Kesa Sutra. Directed by Etsu Den Heather Smith

  • Broadcast through Brighton Dojo

10.00 am
Two sessions of Zazen with Kinhin. Ceremony. Directed by Seiho Chris Preist

  • Broadcast through Bristol Dojo


We invite donations to IZAUK from those registering for the event. We suggest £50, but you may make any donation – or none. No-one should feel unable to participate owing to lack of funds.

Should you wish to, you can also donate to IZAUK’s French Temple Fund which is raising money for the French temples we have connections with: La Gendronnière, Kanshoji and Lanau. The link (opens in a new window) connects you to the donation page for that fund, where you have the option to chose where your donation is directed.


With four hours to go before the sesshin starts, registrations have been closed to allow time for administrative preparations to be finalised..

We’re sorry if you have arrived too late to register, but suggest you can still sit with us in line with the published timetable (see above) should you wish to do so.

We pleased to say that the attendance figure has reached seventy five. Thank you all for your support and commitment. Have a good sesshin.