This is the text for the Dai Hi Shin Dharani, in Japanese, with bells marked – including a PDF suitable for printing out and giving to the bell or ino for use in ceremony.  English Translation follows.

Bells: (*) large bell,   (**)small bell, (x) stifled bell

Daihi Shin Darani (*)

Namu kara tan no, tora ya ya, namu ori ya, boryo ki chi shifu ra ya, fuji sato bo ya, moko sato bo ya, mo ko kya runi kya ya,(*) en, sa hara ha e shu tan no ton sha, namu shiki ri toi mo, ori ya boryo ki chi, shihu ra rin to bo, na mu no ra, kin ji, ki ri, mo ko ho do, sha mi sa bo, o to jo shu ben, o shu in, sa bo sa to, no mo bo gya, mo ha te cho, to ji to, en, o bo ryo ki, ru gya chi, kya ra chi, i kiri mo ko, fuji sa to, sa bo, sa bo, mo ra mo ra, mo ki mo ki, ri to in ku ryo ku ryo, ke mo to ryo to ryo, ho ja ya chi, mo ko ho ja ya chi, to ra to ra, chiri ni, shifu ra ya, sha ro sha ro, mo mo ha mo ra, ho chi ri, i ki i ki, shi no shi no, ora san fura sha ri, ha za ha zan, fura sha ya, ku ryo ku ryo, mo ra ku ryo ku ryo, ki ri sha ro sha ro, shi ri shi ri, su ryo su ryo, fuji ya, fuji ya, fudo ya fudo ya, mi chiri ya, (*)nora kin ji, chiri shuni no, hoya mono, somo ko, shido ya, somo ko, moko shido ya, somo ko, shido yu ki, shihu ra ya, somo ko (*) nora kin ji, somo ko, mo ra no ra somo ko, shira su omo gya ya, somo ko, sobo moko shido ya, somo ko, shaki ra oshi do ya, somo ko, hodo mogya shido ya, somo ko, nora kin ji ha gyara ya, somo ko, mo hori shin gyara ya, somo ko, namu kara tan no tora ya ya, (**)namu ori ya, boryo ki chi, shihu ra ya, somo ko, (**)shite do modo ra, hodo ya so mo ko


Note On English Translation of Dharanis:

Dharanis are not normally translated as they really have no meaning other than as mantras or ‘spells’  – very much in the same way the ‘English’ word  “abracadabra” has no meaning. Often the syllables are thought to make an auspicious sound, or have an esoteric or symbolic meaning.  According Soto School Scriptures for Daily Services and Practice (Sotoshu Shumucho, 2001), “translating” dharanis into English must begin with a reconstruction of the text in an original Indic language (presumed to be Sanskrit) and then translated from that into English.  “From the standpoint of critical scholarship, however, the reconstruction of a complete, ostensibly original text is a highly dubious process, for there is no way of knowing for sure which Indic or Central Asian language served as the starting point for any given Chinese transliteration” .

The Great Compassionate Mind Dharani

Adoration to the Triple Treasure and to Avalokitesvara the Bodhisattva-Mahasattva who is the great compassionate one!
Om, to the one who performs a leap beyond all fears!
Having venerated him, may I enter into the heart of the blue-necked one known as the noble adorable Avalokitesvara!
It means the completing of all meaning, it is pure, it is that which makes all beings victorious and cleanses the path of existence. Also: Om, the seer, the world-transcending one! Homage to the great bodhisattva! All, all! Defilement, defilement! The earth, the earth! It is the heart. Do, do the work! Hold fast, hold fast! O great victor! Hold on, hold on! I hold on. To Indra the creator! Move, move, my illusions away! Come, come! Hear, hear! A joy springs up in me! Speak, speak! Directing! Hulu, hulu, mala, hulu, hulu, hile! Sara, Sara! siri, siri! suru, suru! Be awakened, be awakened! Have awakened, have awakened!
O merciful one, blue-necked one! Incredibly joyous greeting ! Great success, hail! To the one who has attained mastery in the discipline, hail!
To the blue-necked one, hail! To the boar-faced one, hail! To the one with a lion’s head and face, hail! To the one who holds a weapon in his hand, hail! To the one who holds a wheel in his hand, hail! To the one who holds a lotus in his hand, hail! To the blue-necked far-causing one, hail! To the beneficent one referred to in this Dharani beginning with “Namah,” hail! Veneration to the Triple Treasure! Veneration to Avalokitesvara! Hail!May these prayers be answered! To this magical formula, hail!