This will be a Weekend (1.5 days) of Zen Practice, In London with Zen Teacher Mokuho Guy Mercier.
The weekend
On Saturday 8th March, the full day sitting (zazen day) will begin at 9:00 AM and end at 6:30 PM. The day will be at the Aubert Court Community Centre near Arsenal tube station
On Sunday 9th March, the 1/2 day of zazen will begin at 9:30AM and go till 2:00PM and will be held at the North London Buddhist Centre near Holloway Road tube station (note, we are not affiliated to the North London Buddhist Centre)
After 2:00PM on Sunday, we will go to a local restaurant for Lunch, and all participants are welcome to join us
Download the London Zen Weekend Leaflet Here
About the Teacher: Guy Mokuho Mercier began practising zazen with Master Taisen Deshimaru in 1973, becoming his disciple in March of 1976 after receiving ordination as a monk.
After Master Deshimaru’s death in 1982, he remained active in the Paris sangha. From 1986 to 1991, he was again the tenzo at La Gendronnière, and became the head of the temple from 1991 to 1997. In September, 2008, he received Dharma transmission from Sojun Matsuno Roshi in Takefu, Japan.
Today, he is active in the AZI spiritual council and is the head of the Josen Dojo in Tours, France. And the Lanau Zen Center near Saint Flour in the Auvergne, in France. He leads sesshins in France, Spain, Switzerland and England.
Location: LONDON
- Saturday 8th March 8:30 – 18:00 : at Aubert Court Community Centre, off Avenell Road, N5 1BL, 5 minutes walk from Arsenal Tube station
Click here for location on Google MapsParking: NONE – we are not allowed to park on the estate, and today is a Match Day, so the street parking is restricted. HOWEVER, for those of you who simply must bring a car, we have provision for 4 or 5 cars to park at the nearby Sotheby Mews Centre (7 minutes walk away), off street. Contact Lana if you want to be one of these cars. Bicycles can be brought inside. - Sunday 9th March 9:30 – 14:00 : at the Yoga Studio, North London Buddhist Centre, 72 Holloway Road, London N7 8JG, between Holloway Road Tube station and Highbury & Islington Tube station (note: we are not affiliated to the North London Buddhist Centre – we’re hiring the space). The centre is near the corner with Fieldway Crescent right next to The Cycle Surgery.Click here to see the location on Google MapsParking: Street parking is available on nearby streets, it is not a match day today. There is bicycle parking next to the Library.
Cost: Saturday: £25 – includes lunch, coffee, tea etc.
Sunday: £10
(if you require a discount, please contact Lana)
Bring: Loose, dark clothes for zazen, a zafu if you have one, a bowl for food and a cloth to wrap it in (eg: a tea towel). (A bowl is not required for Sunday)
Register: Please register to attend as lunch and equipment must be planned.
To register by post, please send a £5 deposit (or your full payment) along with this form to Lana Berrington, 18 St. Augustines Road, Top Flat, London, NW1 9RN
- If registering by post: Cheques can be made out to “The London Zen Group”
- Or, register online by going to the event on
For more information, please contact Lana Berrington by email, or on 020 7993 9012