This will be a weekend of practice at the Bristol Dojo with one of our senior zen teachers, Hosetsu Laure Scemama
About the Teacher:
Hosetsu Laure Scemama has practiced zen since 1977 and received nun ordination from Taisen Deshimaru.
She is a disciple of Denin Minamizawa Roshi and received Dharma Transmission from him.
She is head of the Limoges Zen Centre.
Saturday 12th December – Zen Day – Starting at 8:30am until 7:30pm (arrive by 8:15), includes Lunch, Supper and refreshments
Sunday: 8:30am – Zen Morning 8:30am – 12:30pm (arrive by 8:15am), includes refreshments
Bristol Zen Dojo
A zafu if you have one, and for the meal, a bowl with your own spoon, fork, and cloth for wrapping them together (on saturday). Please wear dark, loose clothing for zazen.
Weekend: £35 waged, £20 unwaged
Saturday Only: £25 waged, £15 unwaged
Sunday Only: £10 waged, £5 unwaged
To Register:
Please email Adrian at or phone 01179 424 347