THE ART OF CEREMONY – A weekend workshop with Jesse Reihô Haasch
Leeds Zen Dojo
Sat 18th – Sun 19th January 2014
A weekend of training in the forms of Soto Zen, through demonstration, practical workshops, discussion and talk. The format and content will be flexible: in response to the needs and priorities of those present, we may look at such topics as movements in the dojo (gassho, sampai etc.), chanting, the role of the Ino in leading chant, the use of the instruments, the form of the ceremony, the role of the Doshi, the meal ceremony and the use of oryoki. It will include a consideration of the wide range of practices current in Japan and in the West and how to select forms that are appropriate for your dojos and groups.
Reihô Jesse Haasch has been practicing zazen since 1990, initially in New Orleans as a disciple of Reibin Robert Livingston, from 1998 in Zurich as a disciple of Missen Michel Bovay and from 2010 during three ango in Japan as a disciple of Hokan Saito Roshi. He frequently offers instruction on the rituals and tradition of Soto Zen, and this workshop will be the third of its kind in England.
This weekend is intended primarily for those who are active in dojo ceremonies or attend sesshins regularly. Others who practice zazen and are interested in learning about the ceremony will also be welcome.
Sat 18th 8.00- 10.00- Zazen + Ceremony
10.00 Genmai
11.00-1 Practical Workshops (including a teabreak)
1pm – Lunch ceremony
2.30 – 5.00 Practical workshops (including a teabreak)
5.30-6.45 Zazen + Chanting
Evening – Meal at a restaurant in Leeds
Sun 19th 8.00- 10.0 – Zazen + Ceremony
10.00 Genmai
11.00-1 Practical Workshops (including a teabreak)
1pm – Lunch ceremony
2.30 – 4 Zazen + Final ceremony
Evening – Meal at a restaurant in Leeds
Cost: £35 recommended; £25 low or unwaged
To register please email John Callaghan at