Donations to IZAUK

This page is provided so that, if you so wish, you can make a one-off donation to IZAUK to further its work in disseminating the Dharma in the United Kingdom.

We’ve been having some problems with our in-site donations form – please complete your donation here and PLEASE don’t forget to complete the gift aid form, if you are a UK Taxpayer!

*note* We have temporarily had to turn this donations link off due to abuse   –  There’ll be another link available soon.

In the mean time, if you’d like to make a donation to izauk, please conatct for our bank details.

Gift Aid

If you wish us to collect Gift Aid on your donation, please complete the following form – this allows us, as a charity, to receive an additional 25p on each pound you donate direct from the government – but only if you pay taxes in the UK.