This will be a full day of Zen practice led by Zen Nun, Mokurei Jan Pearse
Mokurei Jan Pearse began practising zazen with Nanshin Nancy Amphoux in 1990.
She received nun ordination in 1996 from Shogen Jean Baby and now follows Mokuho Guy Mercier who she has known since 1993.
Jan is responsible for Hokkai dojo in Wells-next-the-Sea, Norfolk, which opened in 1991. She has led several IZAUK sesshins, the first in the late 1990s.
For over 20 years she has been sewing for the sangha, making robes for zazen and samu, zafus, zabutons, oryoki, etcetera.
Start: Saturday 29th April from 07:30. The day will end at 18:30.
The day will include zazen, morning ceremony, all meals and drinks, teachings about how to play the instruments and chant the sutras.
Donation for the all inclusive day: £30 (a discount is possible to aid participation).
For accommodation possibilities and to assist with meal planning please rsvp by the 22nd April to Jan 07833 340077.